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Working at Wynne-Jones IP

Five things you didn’t know about working at Wynne-Jones IP

By Rachel von Hossle | Marketing Manager | Wynne-Jones on 
We work flexitime

Our flexitime policy allows our team to manage their time in a way that works for them. Early birds can start work at 8am and finish at 4pm. Those that prefer a slow rise, or a morning run might not come until 10am. Meeting a friend for lunch? Take two hours. HR Manager, Lucy Gabb recently dusted off her running shoes to train and take part in both The Great North Run and The Great South Run this year. She said “I prefer to run in the mornings, I also have a wife and children together with working full-time. Flexitime allowed me to manage work and home life while still being able to train and work towards personal goals.”

We work remotely

We have engaged with and allowed our team,  for several years before the Covid19 pandemic, to work remotely which was not restricted to senior employees.  We were ahead of the curve in our profession. With offices in London, Cardiff, Gloucester, Malvern and Telford we have working spaces for those that prefer the office environment, but many chose to work in a hybrid format.  HR & Operations Director Fiona Watkins said “When the UK government encouraged the UK to work from home, if they could, the transition was seamless as our infrastructure was already in place to deal with this scenario and our employees had already been able to so for some years.  We see even more benefits in this policy now: giving people  time  back each day instead of commuting, benefiting from reduction in fuel consumption and travel costs and, importantly, the environmental benefit of a reduction in our carbon emissions across the company.   Our sickness absence is also lower which means our staff are more healthy due to a better work life balance and improved mental well being.”

We dress for our day

Gone are the days where business wear is expected on a daily basis. We trust our team to dress for their day. While attending client or formal meetings, business attire is still the most appropriate. Commercial Relationship Manager, Dave McLellan said “I often meet with clients and dress accordingly, but it’s nice to be able to get changed and work the rest of my day in something comfortable. This summer was so hot, the ability to wear shorts and a t-shirt meant I was happier and more productive than if I’d been wearing a shirt and trousers.”

We have in-person meetings, video meetings and walking meetings

Technology has come a long way and meeting via online platforms has become a regular part of working life. To counter that, some of the teams take to the outdoors to walk and talk. Studies have shown that walking meetings boost creativity and increase feelings of well-being. Commercial Director, Dr Jayne Nation said “In professional services, roles are typically screen-based and sedentary. Having meetings out on walks gives people time away from the screen, or boardroom, and encourages activity (which improves mental focus and engagement). The change in scenery helps to press the refresh button and ideas flow easily.”

We have a Charity & Social Committee

Fancy dress, cook-offs, bake-offs, bowling, pub quizzes, yoga, fitness classes, booze club, book club, competitions, sports days… you name it, we’ve done it. Our Charity and Social Committee organise social and charity events that result in plenty of laughs and days to remember. Taking part in activities is optional, but these events provide a good opportunity to connect with colleagues especially for this that usually work from home. Marketing Manager, Rachel von Hossle said “Events that have been run by the committee have really shown their worth in connecting colleagues over the years, but it also provides an opportunity to raise awareness and talk about things like mental health. One of our most popular programmes is typically run during Mental Health Awareness Week where we schedule a week of activity for staff, all optional and all free of charge. We’ve had outside speakers come in, authors have done book signings, yoga and fitness classes, sessions on nutrition and managing mental health to name only a few.”

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